Insuran dan Takaful

Tinggalkan anak dan isteri kamu dengan kesenangan adalah lebih baik daripada tinggalkan mereka dalam keadaan meminta-minta..HR Al Bukhari

Renew Insuran Kenderaan dan RoadTax

Cuma Hantar Copy Geran dan Cover Note

Kad Perubatan Hospital Swasta

Kami Bayarkan Bil Hospital Anda Sehingga RM1 Juta

Peluang Kerjaya

Sertai Kami Sebagai Perancang Kewangan Prudential Yang Berjaya

Unit Trust

Ketahui Mengapa Anda Perlu Melabur ke dalam Unit Trust Melalui EPF

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Apa yang anda perlu buat sekiranya kenderaan anda dicuri?


It's a sad fact that vehicle thefts have become so common nowadays. In addition, the process of making a theft claim can be a painful experience, with long processing time and the need to continue the loan repayments although the vehicle has been stolen. Nevertheless you can lessen the hassle of making a theft claim by understanding motor policies and their coverage in terms of theft protection offered as well as knowing some guidelines on how to make a theft claim.
"Theft claim will be settled based on the market value of the vehicle at the time of loss, or the Sum Insured, whichever is lower"

Types of Motor Policies and Coverage
There are basically three types of motor policies namely Third Party Cover, Third Party Fire & Theft Cover and Comprehensive Cover.
Third Party Cover - indemnifies the Insured against legal liability arising from both bodily injury and property damage to third party. This plan excludes protection for accidental damage, theft or fire suffered by the insured's vehicle.
Third Party Fire & Theft Cover - provides cover as in "Third Party Cover", and also indemnifies the Insured in the event that the Insured's vehicle is stolen or damaged by fire.
Comprehensive Cover - provides covers as in "Third Party Fire & Theft Cover", plus physical damage to the Insured's vehicle following accidental collision or over-turning.
The theft protection offered in motor policies cover different circumstances in which vehicle theft can occur. In general, loss of vehicles due to accidental theft can be described as an incident in which a vehicle is unlawfully taken away from the insured party. If someone authorized by the vehicle owner uses the vehicle for a certain time and disappears with it, then it is not a straightforward theft claim. Such instances are excluded in a standard motor policy and hence the theft claim will most likely be rejected. Theft claims can also be rejected if the insurer or police suspect foul play or negligence on the part of the driver.
Note that theft claim will be settled based on the market value of the vehicle at the time of loss, or the Sum Insured, whichever is lower. As such, if the vehicle is under-insured, the settlement will be based on the Sum Insured, likewise if the vehicle is over-insured, the settlement will then depend on the prevailing Market Value.
Insurers do not compensate for loss of personal belongings such as cash or valuable items left in the vehicle. As such, vehicle owners must ensure that they do not leave their personal belongings in the vehicle.
Making a theft claim
The process of making a theft claim is almost similar to making an ordinary accident claim but making a theft claim usually requires longer processing time. The period given by Bank Negara Malaysia is stipulated to be processed within six months. However, in most cases, claims are settled as soon as the theft investigation is finalised without any irregularities being detected and all documents required for claims processing with payment have been processed.
In the event your vehicle is stolen/loss:
Report to the police within 24 hours as required by Law and obtain a copy of the police report.
Collect the claim form from your insurance company. Complete, sign accordingly and submit the claim form with supporting documents stated below.
-Original police report
-Original certificate of insurance
-Original vehicle registration card
-Copies of Identity card and driving license of the insured
-Copies of Identity card and driving license of the driver
-Copy of Hire purchase agreement (if any)
-Two sets of original vehicle keys
-Two copies of JPJ's Transfer Form K3 (transfer of vehicle ownership form to be completed by registered owner) and Lampiran A1 (letter of indemnity)
-Letter of release from the hire purchase company (if any)
-JPJ's Lampiran B duly signed and certified by a Commissioner for Oaths (for certification of owner's identity card)
Note: Some insurers may require additional or fewer supporting documents
Insurers are required to finalise a theft claim, either approve or reject it within six months from the date of submission or when the police closes the investigation file, whichever is earlier.
After a vehicle theft claim is submitted to the insurer, there are two possible outcomes, the police may recover the vehicle or the insurer may decide to settle the claim based on advice from the police.
If your vehicle is recovered by the police before the six-month time frame is up or prior to the settlement of the claim, you should channel the said recovery information to the insurance company for further advice on appropriate action. You will have options to either:-
Withdraw the claim (if the vehicle is recovered in good condition)
Withdraw the claim and undertake the repair at your own expense (if the vehicle sustained minor damage and you wish to retain your No Claim Discount (NCD) entitlement)
Withdraw the Theft Claim but pursue with Own Damage (OD) Claim (if vehicle recovered sustained extensive damage or has missing parts). If you pursue with OD, your NCD entitlement will be affected.
If the vehicle is not recovered by the police within six months from the date of the submitted theft claim, the insurer can settle the claim or reject it based on valid grounds. Generally, insurers would be able to decide whether the claim should be accepted or rejected by obtaining substantial information from the police investigations and adjuster findings. If the six months have passed and the insurer decides to reject the theft claim, it is required to inform you of it. You can then appeal to the insurer or refer the matter to the Financial Mediation Bureau.
Keep in mind that each insurer will have its own procedures governing the claims process. If you have any uncertainties on making a claim, contact your insurer for more details.
While insurance coverage for vehicle theft protect motorists with comprehensive policies, motorists should always be cautious and ensure that their vehicle is protected with vehicle alarm as well as gear and steering locks. Immobilisers or tracking system can also be installed for extra protection.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Penulisan Wasiat Profesional

Wasiat adalah pengakuan seseorang yang dibuat pada masa hayatnya ke atas hartanya atau manfaat untuk digunakan bagi tujuan kebajikan atau apa-apa tujuan yang dibenarkan oleh Undang-undang Islam, selepas kematiannya. Aset orang Islam yang meninggal dunia tanpa membuat Wasiat akan diagihkan kepada waris-waris mengikut Faraid iaitu Undang-undang Pewarisan Islam.

Waris telah ditetapkan dalam Islam. Suami,isteri, Ibubapa dan anak-anak yang sah (dengan syarat mereka beragama Islam) tidak terhalang sama sekali daripada mewarisi harta simati.Cucu contohnya, tidak dianggap sebagai waris yang layak mewarisi secara automatik dia hanya akan mewarisi harta simati dalam keadaan tertentu. Golongan yang tidak dianggap sebagai waris yang layak mewarisi menurut Islam adalah anak angkat, anak luar nikah, ibu bapa angkat, dan lain-lain lagi.

Islam membenarkan orang Islam menulis Wasiat ke atas satu pertiga daripada hartanya kepada orang yang disayangi samada mereka Islam atau tidak atau untuk kebajikan asalkan ia menurut Syariah.
Diriwayatkan daripada Abdullah Bin Umar : Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda:

" Bukanlah seorang Muslim yang sebenar yang mempunyai harta untuk diwasiatkan untuk tidur dua malam kecuali wasiatnya sudah tertulis dan disimpan di bawah kepala "

Orang Islam yang mempunyai harta yang mahu memberi manfaat kepada yang berikut:
  • Mempunyai cucu
  • Anak Angkat
  • Kawan baik
  • Ahli keluarga bukan Islam
  • Mempunyai anak yang bukan Islam daripada perkahwinan terdahulu
  • Masjid
  • Badan Amal
  • Hospital
Jangan ragu-ragu. Hubungi kami dan kami akan membantu anda untuk menulis Wasiat anda mengikut hasrat anda dan syariah Islam.

Kad Perubatan Hospital Swasta

"Saya tak mungkin akan sakit"

Tak kena syukur alhamdulillah, Allah taala tak uji kita dengan kesakitan. Tapi sekiranya kena pada kita atau keluarga kita, adakah kita terus menyerahkan nasib tanpa berusaha untuk menyembuhkannya?

Saya masih muda, tak mungkin saya akan menghidap penyakit kritikal pada usia muda sebegini!

Hospital Kerajaan kan ada? 

Kenapa saya perlu ke Hospital Swasta?

Apa dana yang dapat membantu mengurangkan beban kos rawatan? Simpanan bank, Kad Kredit, Pinjaman dari Kawan/ Saudara/ Ceti/ Ah long, Jual Rumah serta harta benda lain?

Malang tidak berbau, sediakan payung sebelum hujan

Kami cover 100% bill perubatan anda sehinggaRM4juta!! SEUMUR HIDUP
Pampasan kematian sehingga RM1 juta
Pampasan jika mendapat sakit kritikal sehinggaRM100,000.00

Pampasan kemalangan sehingga RM1juta

Sila click link dibawah untuk dapatkan Quotation Percuma!

Untuk mereka yang ditinggalkan


Tinggalkan anak dan isteri kamu dengan kesenangan adalah lebih baik daripada tinggalkan mereka dalam keadaan meminta-minta...


Dan orang-orang yang (hampir) mati di antara kamu serta meninggalkan isteri-isteri mereka, iaitu di beri nafkah (saguhati) – makan, pakaian dan tempat tinggal hingga setahun lamanya, dan tidak di suruh pindah dari tempat tinggalnya. Kemudian jika mereka keluar (dari tempat tinggalnya dengan dengan kehendaknya sendiri) maka tidaklah kamu bersalah (wahai wali waris si mati) mengenai apa yang mereka (isteri-isteri itu) lakukan pada diri mereka dari perkara yang patut yang tidak di larang syarak itu dan ingatlah, Allah Maha Kuasa, lagi Maha Bijaksana

Cuba kita renungkan maksud terjemahan ayat al-Quran di atas, Allah S.W.T menyuruh para suami menyediakan sejumlah dana sekurang-kurangnya untuk perbelanjaan selama setahun jika semasa ketiadaan kita.

Mari kita renungkan, apabila kita di arahkan oleh majikan untuk keluar ‘outstation’ selama 3 hari, seminggu, sebulan berapakah jumlah wang yang kita tinggalkan kepada keluarga untuk perbelanjaan harian mereka?...

Dan bagaimana pula, jika keluar ‘outstation’ selama-lamanya??? ..dan jika ini berlaku semalam..

Adakah kita meninggalkan SIMPANAN atau BEBAN HUTANG kepada mereka?? 

Renungkanlah dan fikir-fikirkan...

Buatlah perancangan awal dengan bijaksini dan bijaksana. Memang benar ajal maut segalanya di tangan Allah S.W.T dan setiap dari kita Allah telah tentukan rezeki masing-masing kerana Allah jua Maha Pemberi Rezeki tetapi kita sunnatullah ...kita perlu berusaha, merancang  dan buat persediaan untuk ahli keluarga kita di saat kita telah TIADA kelak. Sila hubungi saya untuk khidmat rundingan @ maklumat lanjut atau hubungi 013-3808048 untuk maklumat lanjut.

Travel Insuran

Case 1:
Azlina* and her 3 childrens flight from Nice to Dubai was delayed for 42 hours due to bad weather.
Benefit : Travel Delay
Payout : RM5,600 (RM1,400 x 4pax)
Premium : RM147 (Family Plan)

Case 2 :
Ms. Sie's * handbag was snatched while she was talking to her hotel in Cambodia. Immediately, she called the Travel Guard - Ambassador Service for an embassy referral to have her passport replaced.
Benefit : Loss of travel document, personal items and money
Payout : RM3,720
Premium : RM30

Case 3 :
Mr. Low * had to cancel his trip because he was hospitalized for dengue fever on his departure date. he was compensated for his non-refundable tour fare to South Africa.
Benefit : Travel Cancellation
Payout : RM25,000
Premium : RM60

Case 4 :
A tour bus of 11 passengers meet a road accident in China. 7 survived, 2 were critically injured while remaining 5 suffered minor injuries.  Our crisis team was activated and our highly skilled doctors and nurses immediately assessed the medical condition,  guaranteed medical payment and arranged a chartered medical flight evacuating the 6 survivors to Malaysia for follow up treatment. The remains of 4 victim were repatriated to Malaysia.
Benefit : Medical Expenses Reimbursement, Emergency Medical Evacuation,  Repatriation of Mortal Remains, Accidental Death and Compassionate Visit.
Payout : RM2,000,000
Premium : RM330 (11pax)

* claim cases above are actual events and all name have been changed to protect the identity of people named.

For Free Quotation pleaseclick the icon below or call/sms 013-3808048

Saturday, November 15, 2014


Insuran untuk rumah ni cover apa?

The Secure-Home Saver policy protects you and your home against:
  • Fire, lightning, thunderbolt and subterranean fire
  • Aircraft, other aerial devices and/or articles dropped
  • Impact damages (by third party’s vehicle or animals not belonging to the Insured)
  • Bursting or overflowing of domestic water tanks, apparatus or pipes
  • Theft subject to forcible violent entry or exit
  • Hurricane, cyclone, typhoon, windstorm
  • Earthquake, volcanic eruption
  • Flood (including overflowing of the sea)
  • Riot strike and malicious damages
  • Fatal injury by fire or theft – RM 20, 000
  • Loss of rent / Alternate Accommodation Expenses – up to 10% of Sum Insured
Optional Coverage:
  • Public Liability – RM 100K or RM 250K
  • Subsidence & Landslip
Extra Features:
  • Loss of cash – reimbursement up to RM 500
  • Replacement / Repair of damaged locks / keys / doors / windows – reimbursement up to RM 1,000
  • Loss of or damage to your mountain bike / pedal cycles – reimbursement up to RM 500
  • Cash Assist – up to 5% of Sum Insured. This is for transportation costs to remove the contents from your house, temporary storage, and purchase of basic items
  • Fire Brigade Charges – reimbursement up to RM 500
  • Damage to Freezer Food – reimbursement up to RM 250
  • Breakage of mirrors – reimbursement up to RM 500
  • Temporary removal of contents – up to 15% of Sum Insured
  • Order to Evacuate by Government / Public Authority – 50% of Sum Insured
  • Jewellery & Personal Valuables – reimbursement up to 1/3 of Sum Insured
  • New for old cover – we will replace your old items with brand new items of similar make/model subject to availability
Contents Sum Insured –
Min: RM 10,000
Max: RM 24,000
No one article (furniture, piano, organs, household appliances, radios, televisions, video recorders, hi fi equipment and the like excepted) shall be deemed of greater value than 5% of the Total Sum Insured unless such article is specially declared as a separate item.

Isi maklumat dibawah untuk dapatkan quotation percuma.

Renew Insuran dan Road Tax

Nak renew insurans kenderaan 

dan road tax tapi...

tak sanggup membazir minyak dan terperangkap dalam kesesakan lalulintas

tak sanggup membuang masa beratur panjang di kaunter JPJ dan POS

tak sanggup membazir cuti dan menghadap bos semata-mata

untuk renew insurans dan road tax

tak sanggup korbankan masa yang berkualiti 

bersama keluarga tersayang semata-mata

untuk renew insurans dan road tax

tak perlu bazirkan masa untuk hantar dan terima fax

Adakah ANDA...???

Adakah Anda Ingin Mengikut Bajet Kewangan Anda?
Adakah Anda Ingin Urusan Yang Mudah?
Adakah Anda Ingin Harga Yang Berpatutan?
Adakah Anda Bersedia Dengan Perkhidmatan Kepakaran Dan Pengalaman Kami?
Adakah Anda Bersedia Dengan Konsep Perkhidmatan Kami?

Hanya ikuti 3 Langkah Mudah:

Langkah 1 : Isi maklumat dibawah. Hanya 2 minit. Kami akan berkan Free Quotation melalui emel, whatsapp, wechat, sms.

Langkah 2 : Bank in premium ke akaun dibawah apabila anda bersetuju dengan coverage dan premium yang ditawarkan.

Langkah 3 : Insuran kenderaan anda akan diaktifkan secara online terus ke JPJ. Dan road tax anda akan dihantar terus kepada anda.

No Tel:
Email Address:
No Kad Pengenalan:
No Plet Kenderaan:
Jenis Kenderaan:
Jenama Kenderaan:
Tahun dibuat:
Rider: Single
All Rider
No Enjin:
No Chasis:
Coverage: Komprehensif
3rd Party

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